Thursday, August 19, 2010


Dear Parents/Guardians,

Congratulations!  You have now reached another milestone in your child's education where you get to cross off the inevitable, "BIG ISLAND VOLCANO FIELD TRIP."  This blog has been set up with four goals in mind.  These goals are:
  1. To update you on what things will be needed for this trip (fees, supplies, etc) as well as dates & deadlines.  Venture over to our class calendar to see what those important dates are.
  2. Readings that you can do with your child to help them better prepare for the trip.
  3. Activities that your child can do to help them build interest in what they will be learning on the trip.
  4. To allow you to add comments, questions and suggestions that can be addressed concerning this field trip.
I do wish to stress that this trip does cover several of the Hawaii State Standards.  You can find the science standards here (Standard 8, benchmarks SC.4.8.1 & SC.4.8.2), as those are the standards that this trip is built around.  But, many more benchmarks from other subject areas have been incorporated into this field trip.  Later on I will post up all the benchmarks that we aim to meet by this field trip.
    With that being said, please click here to visit the official website for the Hawaii Volcano National Park where we will be taking our field trip too.  It will give you a better feel for what we will be encountering.  If you have any questions, please feel free to fill in the comment box with your question and I will answer them as soon as possible.

    Mrs. Vance

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